Getting your first car insurance can be a bit pricey, especially if you’re a new driver. Unfortunately, novice drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents, which can drive up premiums. But don’t worry, just because the statistics aren’t in your favour doesn’t mean you’re not a great driver!
No matter your age, passing your driving test is an exciting milestone. Those first few drives where you’re fully in control of your car are unforgettable moments that you’ll treasure forever.
While insurance costs for new drivers can feel high, don’t lose heart! With a little digging, there’s a good chance you can find a policy that works for you. We’re here to help compare car insurance for you to track down the perfect deal.
Getting car insurance as a new driver can be pricey, but there are plenty of ways to lower your costs. Here are some tips to make it more budget-friendly:
Shop around! Compare car insurance quotes from different providers to find the best deal for new drivers.
A standard vehicle with a smaller engine usually costs less to insure. Keep it simple and save!
Using a plug-in device, app, or small black box allows your insurer to track how safely you drive. Safer driving could lead to lower premiums when you renew.
Sharing a car with a parent or adding an experienced named driver to your policy can help lower costs. Just be careful to avoid “fronting,” which is a type of insurance fraud.
Extras like alloy wheels or spoilers may look great but can increase your premium. Stick to the basics to save money.
Opting for a higher excess can reduce your premium. Just make sure it’s an amount you could afford if you need to make a claim.
If you can manage it, paying for your policy upfront is usually cheaper than monthly instalments.
Adding an immobiliser or alarm could lower your premiums since your car will be harder to steal. Check with your insurer first to confirm the discount.